Tuesday, March 10, 2009

American Idol - Michael Jackson week

Ok, here it goes.  My weekly blog/opinion on the top Idol contestants is starting for 2009.  I am in no way a music critic, nor any type of professional.  This is merely based on my opinion on watching the show as a normal person.

First of all, I truly believe that Paula gets more annoying every single year, and each week her clothing gets worse. My hubby said it best "she looks like she put glue on her face and rolled in glitter...she looks like a kindergarden project!"  Also, what was up with the weird entrance of the four judges?  That was really odd in my opinion with the strange voice over.

Ok, on to the contestants.  All thirteen of them...(sigh)  I was truly excited about Michael Jackson night, because there are some good songs out there, personally I hate Jackson himself, but there is a lot of cool music that the contestants can pull from.

Lil Rounds
Don't even get me started on her name.  She sang "The Way You Make Me Feel".  She had your typical good soulful voice, but I disagreed with the judges.  I thought she stuck too much to the original arrangement, and her song bored me.  I agreed with Simon that her outfit was heinous (which of course Paula loved...go figure).  She is not one of my faves this year, but I can't deny the gal can sing.  She just doesn't have a stand out unique quality about her that sets her apart from the crowd.

Scott MacIntyre
Ok, I'm going to be brutally honest and say what NOBODY else is saying here.  People are voting for this guy because he is blind.   I can honestly say, that is why I'm rooting for him as well, but if you just strip away his sad story, you have just a mediocre singer.  He sang "Keep The Faith".  I did enjoy seeing him behind the piano and think he did much better than he had in previous episodes.  I just don't think this guy has a lot of power behind his voice.  Oh, and DEAR GOD, someone give the guy a haircut.  Please.

Danny Gokey
I've let the whole world know that Danny is my favorite this season.  He sang "PYT".  I HATED the song, but LOVED Danny's performance.  Danny worked the stage and sung the crap out of that song, regardless of how terrible of a song it was.  I can guarantee you Danny is around for quite some time, if not one of the top two this season.

Michael (aka Oil Rig guy)
H sang "You Are Not Alone".  Now, I like this guy for the whole midwest, down to earth likable quality to him, but had to agree with the masses that he was definitely not the strongest vocal in the bunch.  However, he surprised me this evening.  There was a HUGE improvement and this was a much better song for him than I've heard him sing in the past.  It wasn't terrible.

Jasmine Murray
She sang "I'll Be There".  I LOVE this song.  I had apprehension because of the fact Mariah Carey did an awesome cover of this back in the nineties, and let's be honest, you don't touch Mariah or Whitney unless you have the pipes to do it.  (Oh and about Mariah, I'm totally SICK to death of Randy name dropping every year that he has worked with her...ok, Randy, we get it...geesh get over it all ready).  Anyhow Jasmine didn't do bad at all in my opinion considering she was taking on a pretty big song.

Kris Allen
This guy is kinda the underdog.  I never knew who he was, until two weeks ago when he sang "Man in the Mirror", which I preferred MUCH more than tonight's song "Remember The Time".   I had to agree that the guitar was a bit odd with this song, however, I kinda like this kid.  He impressed me two weeks ago, and I'd like to see him stay for a bit.  He is a good performer and the girls like him.   

I'm not even attempting the Puerto Rican last name.  I thought I'd hate this girl, but she came out and totally surprised me.  I actually really like her.  I wasn't as thrilled as the judges with her version of "Give Into Me" (which I haven't heard in YEARS).  I don't think she blew me away this week as she did last week.  I do think she will be around for quite some time though.  I like her.

Anoop Desai
He sang "Beat It" and in the beginning of the song I was hopeful, but once he hit the chorus it just all went downhill.  It was awful.  He voice was just too weak and the performance was karaoke.

Jorge Nunez
He sang "Never Gonna Say Goodbye".  I couldn't wait for the song to be over it bored me so much.  Made me laugh that Simon said the exact same thing I was thinking.  I liked this guy last week (well, his personality at least), but this week he just didn't impress me at all.  I think he may be in trouble tomorrow.

Megan Corkery
Ok, if I don't have to look at her I totally love this gal.  She has this very interesting voice that I adore.  I disagree with the judges completely on this one.  Her song "Rockin Robin" was awesome.  It totally fit her style unlike any other Jackson song would have.  Loved it loved it loved it.

Adam Lambert
Ok, I totally don't get everyones fascination with this guy.  I DON'T think he sings that great at all.  I just don't hear it in his voice.  Every time he sounds as if he is shouting to me.  I would love other's take on him, and I'm willing to change my opinion if he comes out with something decent, but still, I don't like him.  I will say this, he is the only one who could have pulled off "Black or White".  I was hopeful in the beginning, but by the end he just sounded like he was shouting to me.  I hated it, but the rest of the universe has a fascination with this guy I just don't get so he isn't going anywhere for quite some time.  I have a feeling he even may make it to the top two.

Matt Girard
He sang "Human Nature".  I didn't like it.  It bored me, and it was too safe.  I miss his blusey songs that I heard during auditions and hollywood week, and I was hopeful by him getting in front of the piano that we would hear something interesting, but we didn't.  

She is by far one of my favorites.  I love the voice behind this little gal.  I don't think it was over the top or indulgent as Simon said.  Her version of "Dirty Diana" was raw, gritty and totally awesome.  I loved it and I hope she is around for quite some time.

Ok, I'm going to say that either Jasmine, Annop or Jorge is going home tomorrow night.  Those are my predictions.  If I was voting I'd send home Lil (I can hear boo's and hisses coming at me all ready) just because she doesn't do much for me, and I'd also send home Adam because I don't see why everyone thinks he is so great.  I know, I'd send home people who America thinks are the best.  Ok, I'm ready for the backlash now, so let's have it.

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